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Learn how to discern facts, evaluate publishing outlets, and integrate technology. Determine the trustworthiness of sources and factual information to separate it from the misinformation that floods the internet.

Foundational Literacy

This is literacy as you might traditionally understand it: reading, writing, and meaning-making. No matter how far we stretch the definition of literacy, these foundational skills – particularly those gained in the early years – are still the building blocks upon which other skills can develop.

Information Literacy

Information Literacy (ways to evaluate the quality and credibility of information, covers learning strategies that yield more credible results. Ethical use of digital resources, understanding digital footprint, protecting yourself online, handling digital communication, and cyberbullying.

Technology Literacy

This is a great place to tell people more about your business.

Media Literacy

Media creation and consumption is changing at a rapid pace. Being “media literate” helps you adapt to new communication formats – whether that’s instant messaging, push notifications, wikis, online communities, blogs, or vlogs – and know how to choose the most effective medium for communication in any situation.

Visual Literacy

We take in more visual information than ever. The ability to comprehend – and to create – videos, photos, infographics, and other visuals has become essential for daily life and career success.

News Literacy

A little skepticism goes a long way. We learn the difference between fact and fiction at a young age, but in the digital world, it’s hard even for adults to be confident about what to believe. Rich new literacy experiences help people learn not only how to find and read the news, but also how to think about it and evaluate it.

Coding & Computational Literacy

Few literacies are more hotly debated than coding literacy. No, not every kid will grow up to become a computer programmer, but each can benefit from learning to think about how a computer could help solve a problem . The ability to dream up a solution is just as valuable as the ability to code it.

Data Literacy

 With the right tools and training, it’s easier than ever for students, parents, teachers, school leaders, and school partners to make informed decisions. Whether this looks like a student taking charge of her own growth or a teacher pinpointing specific skills his students need to enhance, data literacy could lead to a sea change in education.

Health & Financial Literacy

A strong financial position makes it easier to make healthy choices, and good health makes it possible to do the hard work necessary for financial stability. When it comes to health and financial literacy, simple rules of thumb (“spend less than you earn”) and just-in-time learning (a financial aid workshop for high school seniors) have a big impact.

Mathematical Literacy

This is a great place to tell people more about your business.

Scientific Literacy

This is a great place to tell people more about your business, and the services you offer. Want to make this content your own? It's easy.

Digital Literacy

Today, digital literacy is as important as traditional literacy. Devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers are necessary to achieve our goals. Learn more.

Game Literacy

Video games have been linked to above average scores in math, reading, and science, and some schools use games like Minecraft and SimCity to help kids develop fine motor skills, better navigation abilities, and problem-solving strategies. Gamification is on the rise, and students with this fluency will level up faster.

Civic & Ethical Literacy

Civic literacy means understanding your rights and responsibilities as a citizen and being aware of opportunities & pathways for involvement. Ethical literacy gets at the subtleties – what do you do when core values conflict? These literacies empower people to participate and initiate change.

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